Which approach among the five that you have done in your past research?
I have done Arts-Based Research in the past for some of my research. For instance, when artist Miguel Loyola visited campus and had students participate in a workshop.
What genre would you utilize to categorize this research?
I would categorize this with visual arts practices, experiments, and community-based genres.
What paradigm and theory/theoretical school you applied as the perspective to analyze this research?
The paradigm I explored when working with a group workshop for a visual arts experiment was connectivity. We explored how randomization of materials, personalities, and aesthetic preferences look like when they are all connected as one. This led to the paradigms of arts-based/aesthetic intersubjective and interpretive/constructivist.
What method did you apply to conduct the research?
Participatory-action methods as well as collage and sculpture were applied to this research.
After reviewing your previous research, please think about and briefly state which approach and method you will want to experiment to integrate visual study with your secondary field? Why? What knowledge or understanding can they help you gain/investigate?
I would like to engage in more participatory-action research methods because it was fun when we did it with professional artist Miguel Loyola. It is interesting to explore multiple perspectives combined with arts-based research because there are so many possible outcomes and critiques the researcher can receive. Understanding that I have my own beliefs and biases can help me investigate my own neutrality and be open to other people’s subjective perspectives.

Arts-Based and Community-based Research with Miguel Loyola